Message from the CEO

KBS교향악단은 국민의 오케스트라라는 책임 의식을 가지고 음악을 통해 문화적 감동을 여러분과 함께 공유하고 정서적 윤택함을 즐길 수 있도록 함을 최우선의 가치로 삼고 있습니다.
Dear supporters of the KBS Symphony Orchestra, Greetings!
It is an honor for me to speak to you through the medium of the KBS Symphony Orchestra (KBSSO )and classical music.

Classical music has been loved by people of all societies and ages for centuries, enriching people’s lives around the globe with its universal language and providing them with enduring inspiration.

The KBSSO, which has its origins in Korea’s earliest national orchestra, has played a pivotal role in establishing classical music in Korea over the past six decades, helping the public through times both good and bad with its high-caliber performances and wide-ranging repertoire. Since gaining independent legal status as a foundational corporation in 2012, the KBSSO has quickly established itself as a specialized organization for the arts and the face of classical and symphonic music in Korea.
This year marks the 66th anniversary of the Orchestra’s foundation as well as the 10th anniversary of its re-organization as a foundational corporation. As always, we are ready to inspire and exhilarate you with classic music, this time directed by our ninth music director, Pietari Inkinen.

Furthermore, the KBSSO is determined to make classical music a part of more people’s daily lives and help ensure that the classical music industry in Korea takes the right path.

As a beloved national institution, the KBSSO strives to bring peace and happiness to your life.

I ask you to continue supporting us with your love of classical music and words of encouragement.

Han Chang-rok,
President KBS Symphony Orchestra