About the Concerts

  • 페이스북 트위터

I Invitational Concert

Special Concert for 5.18 Democratic Uprising 40th Anniversary

Date 2020- 10- 16(FRI) 19:00
Venue KBS Hall
Ticket Price R \0 | S \0 | A \0 | B \0 | C \0
Special Concert for 5.18 Democratic Uprising 40th Anniversary


▶ Date and Venue

 Oct. 16th(Fri) 19:00 KBS Hall


▶ Artists

Con) Jin Suh

Youngki Min, Woohyuk Min, Euna Jang, Yuji Chung, Minjin Joo, Jihye Choi(Musical Singers)


▶ Program

Daesung Kim / Symphonic Poem 'Democracy' on the theme of "March for the beloved"

Excerpt from Musical 〈Gwangju〉

- Until the day comes (그 날이 올 때까지)

- Hoola, hoola (훌라훌라)

- Swear (맹세)

- I cannot believe (도무지 믿을 수 없는 일)

- March for the beloved (님을 위한 행진곡)

P.I.Tchaikovsky / Symphony No.5